Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Church Planters = Soldiers

During my trip to Chicago for the Gospel Coalition Conference, I visited my buddies at the Acts 29 Network booth. They were showing this video from Mark Driscoll on church planters. He goes through the thoughts behind what it takes to be a church planter. The ultimate goal of High View Church is to plant more churches in and around Denver. With that in mind, watch this video and see the importance of church planting and the kind of men needed to plant churches. Hopefully, you will walk away with an appreciation for the very difficult task of church planting.

CAUTION!!!! This video takes place in a cemetery and is very frank with certain sensitive issues.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jesus' Teachings Do Not Save

I believe the statement "Jesus' teachings do not save" to be a true statement. I heard it in a sermon preached by Tim Keller on the Prodigal Son or as he puts it the Two Prodigals.

Every religions teaches that if you follow their teachings then you will receive a reward. Ultimately, they are claiming that the advice they give for your life will benefit you the most if you follow what they are saying. Even atheism functions this way. Saying there is no God is better than saying there is a God and therefore ultimately benefiting your life. Even some "Christians" believe that by practicing or following the teachings of Jesus, you will receive the ultimate reward of salvation or eternal life.

If people received their reward based on following the teaching of a given religions, then there would never be any assurance of anything. Why? If you are "judged" on the conduct of your life then you will have to wait for your life to be over in order to know if you followed correctly. So, your reward is put on lay-away until you have fulfilled the requirements.

The gospel is completely different from all religions in two ways. One, the gospel has its affect right now. When you rightly understand the gospel and respond in faith, you have a partial reward of the gospel right then. We are told that the Holy Spirit will help us in our life, we have the immediate forgiveness of sin, and his assistance in all areas of our life to remedy the affects of sin. The gospel is the good news that we are sons and daughters of God. And with that comes all the immediate benefits. The gospel is the good news of a new kingdom where all the prevailing attitudes are reversed (to become great you become weak, to be rich you become poor, etc.). The gospel is the good news of what Jesus did for you now.

My second point is that Jesus' teachings do not save...JESUS SAVES. The work of redeeming all things is accomplished by Jesus. You can not follow Jesus' teaching and expect to receive a reward...your reward is a gift of grace from him. It was his grace that was extended to you, it was his work that paid for sin, it was his life that will change your life. Certainly, Jesus' teachings are accurate and true and profitable for the Christian to hold to and love and even live by. He is the greatest teacher of all time and his commentary on life will help those who already believe in him become more like him. But, salvation is accomplished by him and him alone.

The implications of this huge. Some people think that when they become a Christian then get a second chance at life and "Now, I need to live a good life." It's like Jesus gave them salvation, but now they have to keep it with their "righteous" behavior. No, no, no. The gospel is the good news that Jesus did accomplish your redemption and that he is still working in the life of believers. Jesus' teachings are important for the understanding of how HE works in our life. Your job is simple..."have no other gods before him." Jesus saves and we love him for it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Resistance to the Gospel

Over the years, and in dealing with people who oppose following Jesus I have identified two broad categories for their reasons why Christianity is not for them. Honestly, this is a difficult post, because, for the most part, I understand their initial assessment of Christianity and agree with the reasoning behind their opposition. So, in an attempt to help believers understand those whom they live with, I have categorized two main reason why people are opposed to Christianity.

Category 1: Intellectual Resistance

Of the two categories, those who resist Christianity do not typically and truly live in this category. Most people have "intellectual" reasons for not believing Jesus, but that is typically not the reason they oppose. Category 2 (in my opinion) is the predominate reason they oppose Christianity.

An intellectual resistance would be an argument from science or nature or philosophy or some other reasonable thought-out opinion. Someone who says they are not a Christian because the supernatural claims of Scripture are impossible based on scientific natural observations is making an intellectual argument. Their reason for opposition is in the truth-claims of Christianity, and their evaluation of these claims are deficient.

Varying approaches to apologetics (speaking in defense) try to help the unconverted by refuting their erroneous ideas concerning Christianity and really their entire worldview. Apologetic approaches range from Evidential (compiling evidence that will support Christian claims) to Pre-suppositional (finding the presumed truths of an opponent and attacking them). Most of these methods have some degree of merit, but I will propose a different approach.

Category 2: Experiential Resistance

I believe the majority of doubters fall in this category. An experiential resistance to the gosple can be from the poor example of a Christian to the fall of modern preachers to the stigma associated with being a Christian. I believe the primary reason for opposing Christianity lies in the experience people have concerning Christianity. And, I really can not fault them too much for their opinion. Christianity has some dark spots. With the crusades killing people in the name of the Lord to the Ted Haggards to a local Christian living an unattractive life, an outsiders view of the Church might look like a heinous picture of Hell on earth. Who would want to be apart of that?

Gospel Response

The gospel demands that we follow our Savior, Jesus. We do so in both our words about Him and our deeds toward others (Col. 3:17). Christians must be able to give a defense for those who oppose Christianity (1 Pet. 3:15). Christians must be able to live a presentable, respectable life in love for people around them (both believers and non-believers) (1 Pet. 1:16, Matt. 22:39). Our word and deed is important for the gospel to have an affect on those who oppose (Ps. 19). But, the work of salvation and the redeeming of all things is accomplished by Jesus (Rev. 21:5).

Jesus makes all things new through the gospel and what he has already accomplished (John 16:33). He has overcome the world, and that includes intellectual and experiential resistance to the gospel. It is His work. So, as J.I. Packer said in the introduction to John Owens book "Death of Death in the Death of Christ"...the gospel (or good news) is that "GOD SAVES SINNERS."

Our responsibility is to allow God to use us to do His work of saving people from the power of sin. This may be in the sin of their intellectual resistance to God or it may be their experiential resistance of His work, but the work of changing and helping the skeptic is in the hands of God. He will accomplish exactly what he wants after the council of His own will (Eph. 1:11).

In the end, God changes peoples opinions through believers who naturally show their love for Jesus in their words about him and their deeds toward others.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Why Blog?

Ok, the reason I am doing this blog is so I can help people understand a little more about Jesus. I plan on making every post short and full of theological (gangster-like) information. This will hopefully allow people to quickly understand some important things about Scripture and Jesus. With that being said, have fun.