Friday, June 19, 2009

Kids Carnival at Children's Hospital: Help Needed!!!

You Can Help!
At the Kids Carnival...July 11th (1-3pm)

High View Church is sponsoring a day at Children's Hospital where kids and parents can forget about all the hurt that is going on in their lives.

For the Kids...
We thought that having some games, prizes, and cake would allow families to experience some fun relief from their troubles. They will be making crafts, decorating signs for their hospital door, singing great kiddie songs, and winning prizes at every game. They tell us that the kids love being visited and would cherish the time you spend with them. Will you volunteer?

For the Parents...
We would like to be able to provide a fun gift to the parents. Being in the hospital with my wife and now deceased little girl became a drag on my emotional life. That's why we want to be able to give a nice fun gift like movie tickets or food gift certificates to the parents so they can have a night for themselves. The cost is not very much especially if we come together. Will you contribute?

How you can help...
Below you will see a link for a volunteers form. On that form you will be able to sign up to volunteer on July 11th, donate item that are needed for the Carnival, and/or support this event finacially. However you can help will be greatly appreciated.

To volunteer click HERE.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

High View Church in a Paragraph

The below paragraph was taken from a brochure we put together to help people know more about High View Church. I hope the description of our church is helpful for those of you who want to know more about what we do. Also, if you would like to download the entire brochure, please click HERE.

"High View Church is a new, young church in urban Denver that wants to see the gospel transform the city. We started this church in September of 2008 with a few core values about Jesus, Scripture, Mission, and the City. Our mission is to see people changed by Jesus through Scripture to embrace the Mission of transforming the City. Our ministry is simple, everything goes toward Jesus and everything comes from Jesus. We begin by connecting to Jesus. Knowing and loving Jesus by studying the Bible and living in community wiht others is our first step of city transformation. Next, we emphasize Growing in Scripture. Connecting with others in community groups serves as a vital environment to grow in Scripture. Also, living on Mission involves naturally showing love for Jesus in words about him and deeds toward the people God has placed in our lives. We call this, “Being a missionary with the gospel,” because we see our responsibility as knowing culture, loving people, and talking about Jesus in everyday language so the gospel can affect people today. Lastly, we want to Change the City. Denver’s need for the gospel will be met by people on mission looking to serve the city. When the City is served by someone on Mission, by showing love in word and deed, then Scripture gets taught naturally through his/her life and Jesus begins his transforming work. "

- Taken from High View Church brochure, available above.